This past weekend was the peak of the Perseid meteor shower which happens every year. Perseids are primarily visible in the northern hemisphere, with the best viewing times being between midnight and dawn. Being a big fan of space and science in general, I look forward to meteor showers every year, but living in London I have never tried to take photographs because of all the light pollution. This year, I thought I’d give it a go. It was my first time seeing the Milky Way in person but because of all the light pollution it wasn’t as visible as I would have liked. Next year, if the forecast is clear skies I’m going to make it my mission to go out into the countryside and try again. Although the rate of meteors was an average of 60 per hour, I didn’t manage to capture any in my photographs. Still learning the basics of astrophotography so pleased with how these photos came out for my first attempt. Stars are awesome!