Yesterday I went down to The Dairy Studios in Brixton to hang out with one of my old friends Gavin Bain. You may have heard a lot about Gavin in recent weeks as he has caused quite a sensation in the music industry. If nothing is ringing any bells it might be because you know him better as Brains, one half of Silibil N’ Brains. They recently appeared on a documentary called Storyville: The Great Hip Hop Hoax which has just been nominated for a British Independent Film Award for best documentary. The Hip Hop Hoax tells the story of Silibil N’ Brains and how they managed to trick their way to a huge record deal by convincing the music industry that they were two rappers from California, when in actual fact they are both Scottish. Tired of being laughed at and likened to hip hop’s version of The Proclaimers because they were Scottish, Silibil N’ Brains perfected their American accents and found that suddenly people started to take them more seriously. They even managed to open for D12 and appear on MTV as part of their great hoax. My friend Milky Tea Kid also came along to the studio […]